July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014

Research: Hypnosis and Weight Loss (What Kind of Weight Loss Program is Best?)

Now that you’ve decided to become fit for life, what next? How do you get from here to there? Becoming healthy and trim should not be a chore. It feels fabulous to be light, healthy and strong and the journey to getting there should also feel great. The best weight loss program, if done right, lowers your stress and raises your energy levels.
July 17, 2014

Get Back To Where You Once Belonged!

You weren’t born with poor eating habits. You learned them. Have you ever noticed what babies do when they are given food after they are full? They will squish their little face, close their mouth shut and pull their head away from the spoon. No excuses! No time to be polite! This is your natural response to excess food. Over time, however, you have become conditioned to ignore your natural instinct to stop eating. Consider all the food you eat when you’re not really hungry.